The best evidence of the soundness of Pomona’s educational philosophy is the success of its graduates. Pomona alumni have served in positions of leadership in practically every field of human endeavor – from medicine, public policy, and the arts to scientific research, journalism, business, and the law, as well as almost every field of academic research and teaching.

In preparing and planning for their life after Pomona, students can lean on faculty mentors, a pool of successful alumni, and a talented Career Development Office staff who are committed to their success.

Watch Alumni Career Stories
Kara Toles ER

Sagehens at Work

Check out videos about the thriving careers of six Pomona graduates, from across the nation, who are working to make a difference in a variety of fields.

Sample Career Paths
Scott Tan in profile in lab gear is working with computer wires.

Career Paths by Major

There is no one path for a Pomona student in any major, but here is a sampling of some of the careers our alumni are engaged in, as well as specific companies that senior students self-reported they would be entering upon graduation.

Meet our Recent Alumni

Recent graduates reveal how a Pomona College education helped prepare them to enter the workforce and where they see themselves in five years.

First Destination Report

The Class of 2024 First Destination Report features data that was gathered through surveys and data mining. The College's Career Development Office collects data through the end of the calendar year to reflect opportunities obtained by recent graduates following The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) standards. This report highlights the career destinations for our most recent alumni who graduated between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

Per NACE standards, the KNOWLEDGE RATE is the percentage of the graduating class for whom an outcomes destination is known based on reasonable and verifiable information concerning their post-graduate career activities.

Class of 2024 Plans

For the class of 2024, we had a 75% knowledge rate. Of that knowledge rate, 92% of those graduates are participating in career activities (a job, internship, service opportunity, further education, fellowship, or other).

Career Outcomes




Further Education







Mattel, U.S. House of Representatives, NIH: National Institute of Health, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, pwc, Boston Children's Hospital, The Carter Center, Peace Corps

Select Employers

  • Alphasights
  • Amazon
  • American Express
  • At&t
  • Bain & Company
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Capital One
  • Cedars-Sinai
  • City of Hope
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Deloitte
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Google
  • L’Oreal
  • Mattel, Inc
  • Microsoft
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Netflix
  • Oracle
  • Peace Corps
  • PwC
  • Teach for America
  • The Associated Press
  • The Carter Center
Gabriela Camacho '24
SHINE Associate for Clients & Markets Growth at Deloitte

Gabriela Camacho ’24

I believe that having a liberal arts background allows you to feel comfortable connecting with different people, regardless of their role or sector. My education at Pomona gave me a diverse skill set which has benefited me in the rotational program that I am in now.

Philip Kong ’24
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Philip Kong ’24

My molecular biology education, grounded in the liberal arts, has provided me with a broad knowledge of scientific reasoning and experimental design. For example, my biochemistry lab course was instrumental in creating an independent research project, from forming the hypothesis to analyzing the data that came from the experiments. A philosophy I continue to use in my current role at Dana-Farber is to be collaborative with others, particularly those with different experiences than mine.

Select Fellowships and Global Awards

Highlights for the Class of 2024


Fulbright U.S. Student Program


Downing Scholarship


Goldwater Scholarship


Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship


National Science GRFP


CORO Fellowship


Churchill Fellowship


Payne Fellowship


Princeton in Asia Fellowship

Applicant Totals


Total Fellowship Applicants


Unique Fellowship Applicants


Total Finalists


Total Fulbright Alternates


Total Fellowships Received

Graduate and Professional School Destinations

The Office of Institutional Research gathers data through surveys that help inform the mission of Pomona College, including information about recent graduates and alumni who are five and 10 years out.

According to recent data, 65% of alumni were either pursuing or had completed an advanced degree within 10 years of graduating Pomona. While many work or pursue other opportunities before entering graduate or a professional degree program, many head straight there after graduation.

For the Class of 2024, some of the graduate/professional school destinations included:

  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Columbia University
  • Dartmouth College
  • Georgetown University
  • Georgia Tech
  • Harvard University
  • London School of Economics
  • New York University
  • Northwestern University
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of California at Davis
  • University of California Los Angeles
  • UNC – Chapel Hill
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Southern California
  • Villanova University
  • Yale University

Top 10 Industries for the Class of 2024

Internet & Software/Technology
Financial Services/Investment Banking/Management
Higher Education
Management Consulting
Legal/Law Enforcement

Interactive Dashboard

Where do Pomona College graduates go? Through this interactive dashboard you will learn where members of the Class of 2024 work, intern, serve or where they pursue graduate and professional degrees. Select various elements to filter the visualization or search by keywords. All data is self-reported by Pomona College alumni.

To further explore Pomona College through data, please explore the Information Center.